
Breast Cancer is on the rise in India – research predicts a 3% increase every year
(Source: SMAJ)

Breast cancer is the leading cancer among women in India, accounting for up to 35% of all cancers in women and is responsible for most cancer-related deaths among women ages 35-54 years.

  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in most cities and the second most common in rural India. .
  • In India, one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 4 minutes.
  • One woman dies of breast cancer, every 13 minutes in India.

76% of cases currently diagnosed are in the advanced stages – which can rarely be treated successfully (Source: Cancer Institute of Chennai).80% of women who should have an annual mammography exam do not because:

  • They are unable to fund a conveniently located facility.
  • High cost of mammography.
  • It takes too much time to arrange and travel to appointments.
  • Difficult to request time off from work (approximately 2 hours).
  • Little to no awareness and education available to women about breast cancer.

Our vision and campaign is to raise awareness and prevent breast cancer through early detection by educating women about self-breast examination and providing free mammography to BPL (below poverty line) women of urban and rural backgrounds and a nominal charge for all other income levels.The main advantage of MOM Express is that it provides a simple, convenient, cost-effective doorstep screening opportunity.

Dedicated to community outreach and breast care education, MOM Express is a mobile unit equipped with mammography machine and computer Radiography system. We are happy to inform that both Siemens mammography machine and Fuji CR system are donated by Rotary Club Bangalore west,Rotary Club of Lake Success, NY and Rotary International. By bringing high quality mobile mammography services and screenings directly to communities, the mobile unit helps break down all barriers thus making mammograms more accessible

MOM Express provides unique advantages to the women who are at-risk for breast cancer in India because we offer:

  • Strong community outreach efforts and breast cancer education.
  • Screenings by trained female technicians.
  • A caring and compassionate staff.
  • Counseling for further evaluation and treatment for patients with abnormal mammograms.
Early screening and education has the potential to save lives and we trust that such an attempt through MOM Express is a very empowering, worthy cause.


  • Early detection of breast cancer through Cancer awareness and education among women.
  • Convenient cost-effective doorstep screening ,Free breast screening for those below the poverty line.
  • Highly subsidized rates for others Trained female mammography technicians and radiologists.
  • Mobile mammography for the underprivileged.